You bought a new house and can’t wait to move. Except now you just remembered the worst part about moving: moving.
For some people, packing up all of their belongings into cardboard boxes and eating a cup of ramen on the living room floor can be part of the whole experience. You’re not one of those people.
If you’re looking to make your move as simple and easy as possible, then do your best to avoid making these common moving mistakes.
Packing Everything
You’ve amassed an impressive collection of stuff over the years, everything from a rubberband ball to a grand piano that doesn’t actually work. It’s only reasonable that you take everything you’ve worked so hard to collect with you to your new home, right? Well, no not really. It isn’t sensible to pack every little thing you’ve ever owned, especially if your new place doesn’t have as much storage space. Do yourself, and anyone else helping you move, a favor by spending some time before the move going through your stuff and making some difficult choices. If you can’t bring yourself to throw stuff out, donate it or sell it online.
Waiting Until the Last Minute
Probably the biggest mistake that almost everyone makes at least once — you wait until the last possible moment to start packing. It can be hard to figure out where to start, or what can be packed now that you won’t need right away. Convincing yourself that you’ll have plenty of time to throw stuff in boxes the day before the move is a one-way ticket to panic town. Start packing at least one week in advance and figure out the things that you aren’t going to need or use in that last week. As you get closer to the big day, you’ll start chipping away at your stuff until moving day comes and all that’s left is your toothbrush.
Not Hiring a Moving Company
The average 30-year-old has moved six times already. For most people, once is enough, especially if you did it alone. Hiring a moving company to help you with moving furniture, heavy boxes, and hauling can make your move simple and easy. A moving company can even provide you with tips on how to execute a perfect moving day.
Nobody said moving was fun, but nobody said it had to be painful either. Simplify your moving day by avoiding these mistakes.
Looking for experienced movers in Seattle? Call us today.